Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Summer Transportation

Ever since the early 19th century, the bicycle has become a beloved past-time for people of all ages.  Particularly in the summer time, the bike is a kid’s best friend.  Acting as a get-away car while playing cops and robbers or simply as a means of transportation in getting to and from a friend’s house, it’s important to cover these “10 Smart Routes to Bicycle Safety." 
#1 Wear a helmet
#2 Make sure your bike is adjusted properly and to your child’s size
#3 Check the brakes
#4 Wear bright colors so drivers will notice you
#5 Plan ahead to not ride your bike at night
#6 Be alert of your surroundings
#7 Ride in the same direction as the traffic surrounding you
#8 Always be aware of the traffic around you
#9 Follow the “rules of the road”
#10 Check your wheels before every ride
The full article can be found at http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/pubs/343.html and was produced by a joint effort from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. 

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